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James Marshall is a British painter and filmmaker, based in both Windsor and New York City. He is driven to create by influences gleaned from strong ties to both of his homelands and the communities, traditions, and social interactions that surround him. In a world often over-saturated with direction from media and publicity, James’ projects are dedicated to proving, that amidst the conformity of our mainstream society, individuals exist who have worked hard and broken the mould to realise and achieve their dreams. These individuals embody their own stories of breaking out of the cycle that is the “norm”. They highlight personal journeys of going against the grain to find one’s own meaning and purpose, a theme which resonates with the artist himself. 


Marshall’s artworks are often conceived and steered by the emotions he experiences at the exact moment of creation. A freeing practice, he often paints in the round and devoid of interruption from his phone, computer or other outside influencers, connecting wholly with the canvas and mediums at hand. The origin of each painting is based in self-expression, providing an emotional and creative release for the artist without consideration of potential opinions or judgements of others. However, the duality of each concept that emerges through his process and content are undoubtedly relatable to viewers.


Marshall explores colour and texture—each brushstroke a representation of confinement or freedom, certainty or uncertainty, influence or individuality, sometimes all at once. According to the artist, his works are “the most honest and pure way (he’s) ever expressed (himself)”. 


Marshall’s highly identifiable work became collectable after the success of his first solo exhibition at a gallery in New York’s popular West Village several years ago. His growing client base expands from Manhattan, to Tennessee, The Hamptons, and to London.


The Barker Gallery, 100 High Street, Eton, SL4 6AG

Phone | Email | Instagram


Open by appointment.


© 2021 by Sophie Balchin

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